I was out last year, and noticed the number of folks out with selfie sticks. The folks are much more into sharing the experience.
All Aboard
Wait a minute, there are no wheels on this caboose. How do you move? In this case, this was the number one caboose on the Carson and Colorado RR, and when it’s mobile time was done, it was turned into an office.
We went out to LAWS railroad museum. The clouds were variable tonight so we spent our evening/night light painting. In this view I decided not to try to overpower the moon and just add a bit of accent light.
Original caboose used as offices
I used a Luxli Viola to provide just a bit of life to the building.
The LAWS museum hosted our RMSP class. The LAWS museum has other examples of the old west
Overpowering the sun
Most computers tend to slow way down when you’re stitching together 17 D850 pictures. At least mine do. Creating a 6 GB photoshop file is a bit much for most computers.
Erik Holliday and Chuck Rasco gave a workshop where they showed us how to merge together multiple shots with a single flash to create a lighting scheme that never actually existed in real life. Here Jim Holley and I worked on this corvette as one of our test cases. We used my Flashpoint eVOLV 200 to overpower the sun.
While I was stitching this together, I decided to play with one of the shadows to see if I could produce a believable effect. I was thinking about Matt Hill at our Bryce Canyon workshop.
Create and Collaborate
I was out doing some light writing last night, with some folks from the SWPhotoclub. I find that for doing some light writing or light painting it helps to have multiple folks bouncing ideas off one another. As Gabriel Biderman from NPAN says create and collaborate.
Sometimes a stroboscopic effect is interesting
Why do a website?
Some people might ask, why do a website? After all smugmug or flicr offer low cost options. Sometimes though you have more to say about an image. Or a series of images. Some folks I know want to have a venue to sell images.
As an example, the image below would probably confuse most folks.
I was in Chicago at a workshop, when we were told we couldn’t use a tripod. So I decided to embrace the blur. I sent this image off to one of the instructors, and said that this an image that only Monet would love. The response I got back was that this was very much what it felt like to be there.
Embrace the blur
Out with the Night Crawlers
I was out with the Denver Night Photography Group a few weeks ago. It was good to get out and do some urban night photography. Even if the temperatures that night reminded me of hell. Getting out though, did remind me that it was good to get out and take pictures of the city.
Not that I consider my photography trendy, one of the trends these days is long duration photography. It came to me that all of my night photography would be long duration photography.